能面師 宇髙 景子

能面師宇髙 景子

父・金剛流能楽師・故 宇髙通成(うだか・みちしげ)の元で能面制作に励む。
2022年には、世界に1億人以上のユーザーを有する「Apex Legends」の
2023年にはサントリー×ローマン・コッポラ監督の 短編ドキュメンタリー作品で、
キアヌ・リーブスと共演、 ファッションブランドmiu miuとのコラボレーショ ンなど、 古典の枠を超えて活動している。

Noh mask makerKeiko Udaka

Born in Kyoto in 1980, Keiko graduated Kyoto City University of Arts.
As a child she took up acting in Noh performances.
After graduating university, Keiko began to work under her father Udaka Michishige, a Kongō school Noh performer and mask carver.
She supervised and took part in the European tour of Udaka-Kai performance and Noh masks exhibition in 2007 which was supported by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs. In 2022 she created a mask in collaboration with Apex Legends.
Currently, Keiko holds workshops and strives to promote Noh and Noh masks. She also works with her two younger brothers who are both Noh performers.

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  • 能面師 宇髙 景子
  • 能面師 宇髙 景子
  • 能面師 宇髙 景子
  • 能面師 宇髙 景子
  • 能面師 宇髙 景子